Gallery Appointment
Faces of Suns
Shodo Painting Saiso Shimada, Text Dr. Paul Briot philosopher and poet, Meditation Nathalie Ishizuka.
"A field of sunflowers, moving sculptures. The flowers converse, look after one another, bow in all directions. Eyelids of suns.
Purple Cloud
Shodo Painting Saiso Shimada, Text Dr. Paul Briot, philosopher and poet, Meditation Nathalie Ishizuka.
A purple cloud condenses into a rain of ideas."
Will Your Path be The Way of the Heart?
Ground Yourself
A large acrylic painting by Nathalie Ishizuka with a meditation for the viewer that anchors us in the safety of the Earth where we are fully supported.
Man's Step Forward
Man's Step Forward by Nathalie Ishizuka invites you to change your conception of direction. Each step becomes life itself. Let go, experience and move effortlessly..
Sun Within Transcends
Experience the infinite as a brilliant sphere that is the universe itself. Nothing can happen to you here. Enjoy the rays and be transcended doing absolutely nothing.
Art and Crisis
This painting by Nathalie Ishizuka is about the spirit blossoming after March 11, 2011. It is about the use of crisis to abandon the old and begin completely anew.
Awakening Energy
This painting by Nathalie Ishizuka is about the spirit sharp as a sword -- piercing obstacles. Each peach represents a challenge for us. In Japan : Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima.
Vital Balance
This painting by Nathalie Ishizuka explores the earth and its intimate link with the Sun (the eye). Life a vital balance and sphere with continual movement.

Book Online Experience Now.
Select Your Painting. Explore, see which painting Attracts You. Each has a different theme and a different meditative experience. Unwind any tensions accumulated. Let a painting and short meditations ground you. Choose to delve deeper into a painting depending on your preferences and time. Make your life your own. As you dream it. Take the first steps to create a life of inspired action and curiosity. Surround yourself with beauty.
Nathalie Leiko Ishizuka
Artist, meditator & Director of Beyond OUr BEst
Director Beyond Our Best, Worked over 30 years on a Psychology of Health and Happiness, Artist, Writer, Individual & Societal Change, Certified Yoga Teacher of Advanced Yoga Practices. Works with Individuals & International Organizations.
M.A.L.D. Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy (admin in cooperation with Harvard), M.B.A. HEC, B.A. Amherst College, summa cum laude, Article 9 of Japanese Constitution. Keio University & Seishin Joshi Gakuin exchange. SELF TAUGHT ARTIST. Co-founded movement with 90 year old Belgian Philosopher and Poet, Dr. Paul Briot, who sees crisis as an opportunity to Re-Invent Ourselves and ART as a means to Elevate, Inspire and Transform. Works across disciplines including with Artists, Scientists, Economists (including Nobel Prize), Doctors (over 30 years with Dr. Yukio Ishizuka on an Approach to Happiness, Excellence and Well-being), CEOs, Businessmen & Entrepreneurs, Diplomats facilitated with Yukio Ishizuka training and talks on excellence and well-being at EU Embassy Tokyo, British Embassy Tokyo, Harvard Club Tokyo and taught meditation to Ambassadors, Diplomats and their spouses at Yoga Studios and privately, assists Yogis to innovate across disciplines, practices creative brainstorming with scientists, including MIT professor and Scientist Sahrawi Chaieb on an application of an alogorithm for Black Holes to Flat Screen Technology, creative brainstorming with Architects such as Toyo Ito on projects for Fishermen up north and children's park in Fukushima, meditated with Shaku-Hatchi Musician Masaki Nakamura to create 6 New Original Songs, wrote and illustrated a fable for Nihon Buyo Master Wakayagi Sensei to create Kizuna Dance in Fukishima Theme Cafe, brainstormed with member of Japanese Cabinet with the founder of Suicide Prevention in Japan Yukio Saito for societal change, assisted in bringing well-being, yoga, osteopathy and mental health training to innovate with joy at an Orphanage in Japan, work with Societal Visionaries on Fukushima and Crisis Spots -- those who who can change us from WITHIN. Nathalie sought out and worked with artists for 4 years in Japan to work on project of Elevation in Art after crisis, Meditated for over 3 years with the Shodo Master Saiso Shimada 3-4x a week via skype (Tokyo - Singapore - Europe) to create a new art resulting in Shimada's works being published in Paul Briot's 2018 edition by Editions Caracteres. Facilitated several Exhibits by Shimada at the EU Private Residence in Tokyo, Private Gallery in Paris, a month long exhibit at the Japanese Embassy in Brussels, exhibits in Ginza Tokyo, and upon rendez vous only soon in the first Meditative Gallery in Singapore. Nathalie's own artistic works have been shown in two month long exhibits in New York, Beijing China, In EU Tokyo Residence, and in the Meditative Gallery in Singapore. Works across disciplines to create something entirely new.